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French Louis XIV Style Urn Mantle Clock

A beautiful French mantel clock featuring a deep blue porcelain urn case fitted with ornate doré brass. The urn has delicate handpainted polychrome floral decoration. It is raised on an elaborate footed base of doré or gilded brass with ram’s head scrolls flanking the center. An equally elaborate top of tent form with crossed torch and quiver along with side handles further appoint the urn.

An 8-day movement keeps the time striking a bell at the hour and half hour and is signed “A. D. Mougin.” The white porcelain dial beneath the hinged convex glass features black stylized Arabic numbers, fleur de lis hands, and is signed “Chekler Freres, Alger.” Further, this clock is restored and comes with a one-year warranty. A very eye-appealing timepiece evoking the opulent and lavish styles of France during the reign of Louis XIV.

21″H x 10″W x 8 1/2″D

Circa 1880

Original Price $3,295

Liquidation Price $1,645

SKU: JROS 2068 P Inquire
If you would like to purchase this item or learn more about it, please click on the Inquire link above or phone the Renaissance Showroom at 805-688-1976, open seven days a week from 10 to 6.
  • French
  • Louis XIV Style
  • Porcelain Urn with Doré Brass
  • 8 Day Movement Signed “A D Mougin”
  • Signed by Retailer
  • Bell Strike at the Hour and Half Hour
  • Dial Signed by Retailer “Chekler Freres, Alger”
  • Restored, One-year Warranty
  • 21″H x 10″W x 8 1/2″D
  • Circa 1880