
English Tap Top Hotel Bell

An ornate English raised-pedestal hotel bell in brass and bronze. Nicely embellished on the base, dome top, and plunger in a floral and foliate motif characteristic of the Aesthetic Movement. The tap top propels the clapper to ring the bell.

Antique call bells are unique decoratives crafted in a variety of bell mechanisms, styles, and motifs.  They are great fun to collect and display, while still very useful for their intended purpose.

5 1/2″ Height x 3 3/4″ Diameter

Circa 1880


If you are interested in similar items, please contact us through our website or phone the Renaissance Showroom at 805-688-1976, open seven days a week from 10 to 6.
  • English
  • Tap Top Hotel Bell
  • Brass and Bronze
  • Raised Pedestal
  • Floral and Foliate Embellishment
  • 5 1/2″ Height x 3 3/4″ Diameter
  • Circa 1880